Slice The Pie Bot

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Choose typing speed. Choose characteristics to describe the song.

  1. Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk

Any widespread abuse will cause the abuser to lose more value due to capital losses than they earn from their abuse. The impact of capital losses does more to keep large whales in line than small minnows. The actions of a individual minnow are unlikely to significantly devalue Steem as a whole, so the profits on their selfish actions can be high.

Best wishes, Marcus WFHW. Best free office software for windows 10 7. I enjoyed the process of listening to music and reviewing it and especially liked the concept of being able to make money doing that. I occasionally logged in and would listen to ten or so songs and review them at a time for about a week.

I love slice the pie, music is my passion, i write in depth reviews about how the music is structured, what could make it better, and what to keep, is it catchy, would i like to hear it on the radio, what i sounds like (the atmosphere) yes i agree it is a shitty amount of money but its not like your making your living on this, its a great way. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved. Slice the Pie! Title: slicethepie_key Author: sweenef Created Date: 9/23/2003 8:56:45 PM.

My experience with Slicethepie started off GREAT a few years back. I made over a $100 off them back in 2012 before I started working on Odesk almost full-time. They’ve locked my account several times since, and I can’t seem to accomplish anything with it. Now, I’m laid off from my main customer support job on Odesk, and was doing transcription work through there for awhile, and that’s dried up. Back at it, and reading this site all of the time. Thanks again Marcus for having a place for people like us.

I wasn’t reviewing the entire time, I stopped in between here and there – but for the most part I was pretty focused on the reviews. Update – I find after doing it for awhile, it does flow more naturally and it’s easier to write varied reviews. I spent probably about 45 minutes rating some more songs and my balance shot up a little – It actually takes time to think about the music and write something of quality – you can’t write a review that just says, “ Cool tune, bro“, or “ Man that sucks monkeys“ See, that is what happens! You have to write something of substanance for them to accept it. You really need to have a good grasp of music termonology here. Something I found really annoying about their system is many times when you submit the review, it’ll tell you that your score (the rating you gave it on a 1-10 scale) will vary significantly from the review you gave.

Slice The Pie Bot

If you have never heard of then here is a quick description- Slicethepie is a program that pays you to review music. You will get paid around $0.10 per review and up to $0.20.

It’s obviously a computer system picking up on it, but it isn’t very sophisticated. It’ll scan your review for particular words and if you have any negative words within the review but end up giving it a better score as a whole, like above a 7 – it’ll freak out and think you’re review doesn’t make sense. For example, if I talk about how the song is amazing, the singing is great and has a fun melody and beat, but mention the lyrics are a bit too repetitive, and end up giving the song a 7 as a whole, it’ll pop up with the “ the rating you gave varies significantly from your review” message.

These are the people that show up to a pot-luck with enough food for one person, but eat enough food for two or more. A whale is someone who makes waves in the market every time they move. An Evil Whale is someone whose negative actions dramatically reduce the value of the whole pie. Demonizing Doesn’t Help The first instinct is to blame those who work the rules to their advantage. After all, they should be more respectful. Getting upset at this behavior doesn’t hurt the abusers, it just causes you to suffer. We must design systems that minimize the incentive to be selfish and give the honest individuals the power to police.

What’s important to remember here is that this site is for people who appreciate music and are interesting in helping out new bands – not just those looking for a paycheck! Sure, the extra money is cool, and it can be a really fun hobby for music lovers willing to help out bands with some constructive critisicm. However it’s very time consuming and it’s a lot more in depth than just listening to music. You can’t expect to turn on the music, let it play in the background while you play around on Facebook/Youtube You really need to dedicate yourself to the song and write the review as you listen to make it helpful and worthwile.